Favorite photos.

Hi again!

Today I'm gonna talk about photos. I don't really have a favorite one because I think that each photo has different meanings. So, It is very difficult for me to choose one. However, the photography that I'm going to post today has a important meaning because It reminds me the first time I traveled with my girlfriend. We went to the South of Chile, Los Lagos Region, where we visited many places: Casma, Frutillar, Puerto Varas, Ensenada, Puerto Montt and Chiloé. Another reason why I loved theses places it's because I started to observe all the different species of birds that I never noticed before. When I realized this, I started to investigate about birds and going to places to see them. Now I have a book called Aves de Chile by Daniel Martínez and Gonzalo González. Also, now I have different pocket guides that I always carry.

That's all. See you soon!

Phrygilus patagonicus (Cometocino Patagónico). Chiloé National Park. 2018.


  1. I am from Los Lagos! You should visit me haha.

  2. you are so professional im your fannn, do you have any photo albums? or something? i would like to see your work only if allowed ofc :p


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