
Hello again! Today I'm going to talk about my favorite thing in the whole world, nature. When I went to Chiloe it was the first time I traveled without my parents. I went to different places like Dalcahue, Castro, Ancud, Aucar, Cucao and other places that I don't remember at the moment. So, the days I was there were rainy and it was magical because I love rain. I visited Muelles de las Almas and Chiloé National Park in Cucao, and it were so wonderfull because I could aprecciate Nature just who it is and without the human intervetions that we're used to see in the city. I could see and hear different animals that I didn't know before, like Ranita de Darwin and Cometocino Patagónico bird. Then, I went to Islotes de Puñihuil Natural Monument where I could know the Chungungo Otter and Magellanic Penguins! There was when I realized that I really love Nature and you all can guess that it was a beautiful experience to me. The first photo I'm going to post is...