The term is ending.

Hello you all!

Today I'm going to talk about the end of my semester. In this semester. So, I have been studying 7 different subjects, besides being doing the experiments for my thesis and writing it. I can tell you that I have been a little bit stressed and a little bit discouraged, but nevertheless, I'm already finishing it and I can say that I have done it very well.

I had two subjects that I loved. The first one is biological control of pests and diseases, and the second one is Advanced nematology. In these two subjects I have had theoretical and practical classes, and the practical one were so amazing! I had the opportunity to see from insects, fungi and nematodes, to different biological formulations that are able to control pests and diseases.
In addition, the teachers were so kind and friendly, that they made the classes even more entertaining, so I really enjoyed these matters.

really hope to find subjects and teachers like these one in the next semester.

I don't have much more to say.

Cya in the next post.


  1. So cool! Your semester sounds like a lot of fun

  2. 7 subjects omg, and here i am complaining about my only 5 subjects. holy

  3. I wanted to have Biological control this term but I couldn't.
    If you say it is good and also the miss is kind I'll try next term
    Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Biological control sounds interesting!


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